Farmer’s Market Meal: Tomato Sandwiches

Ok, so I haven’t done many of these lately because I realize I usually buy the same veggies and make the same meals (sautéed veggies over pasta etc). Plus, with the season winding down, there hasn’t been too much that has excited me, though I’m looking forward to apple season. This meal is my husband’s new favorite and with heirloom tomatoes abound, it’s a really good quick lunch or snack.

It’s ridiculously simple. Find one huge, juicy, red tomato and slice.  Add 2 slices of your favorite bread (I prefer toasting my bread), some mayo, and salt and pepper. That’s it! Of course, there are a number of variations: adding bacon, adding lettuce or spinach, whatever you want… it’s really just a sandwich. At any rate, it’s a good way to savor some last tastes of summer.

In the future of my Farmer’s Market posts, I’ll probably just make usual things or singular dishes with market ingredients, instead of trying to complete a whole meal. We’ll see.

Thanks for reading and happy eating!

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